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Thanks to us more than 500 foreign journalists have got to know Italy.
We enable journalists, buyers and tour operators – whether they work mainly in Italy or abroad – to explore our country.
We select the most competent professionals and accompany them to discover Italian producers, regions and products.
We give support to the client both with external and internal communications, with training courses in public speaking, team building activities, coaching, etc.
We are in contact with over 6,000 Italian journalists and around 2,000 foreign ones. These are the number of people we work with. Every day we are speaking with the wine and food press, journalists for newspapers, tourism and lifestyle publications, as well as radio and television stations.
We give a voice to our clients thanks to the rapport of trust we have built up over the years with the media.
Thanks to the experience we have gained in Italy as well as abroad, we help companies to develop an effective wine and food tourism package, both through the organisation of events and the creation of services and contacts with specialist tour operators.